Thursday, June 16, 2016

News You Can Use June 2016

 Fun with Samples in Choice  Pantry
 LCS received a large donation of lentil 
casseroles -  ready to cook and packed with protein - but clients  kept passing them by on the shelves. To show  clients how delicious they are, LCS staff cooked up  a batch and pantry volunteer Sam donned a chef's  hat to pass out samples as people shopped. 
Sometimes All You Need is a Helping Hand
When Luz arrived at the LCS offices looking for a church she was staying with her son after moving from Puerto Rico. Unfortunately, her living situation was not what she had hoped and she needed help collecting paperwork and finding a place to live. Assistant Program Director Jean Washington drove her to the Social Security office and the Wilmington Housing Authority before bringing her back to the office to get some groceries. When Luz came the following week for more food, it was with good news; she had picked up her Social Security card, learned how to navigate the bus system and, best of all, had found an affordable apartment!
 "Sharing Way" Path Coming
 LCS is pleased to announce the "Sharing Way"  personalized brick project. Created to help offset  the cost of additional waterproofing needed at  our headquarters, the bricks will also help  beautify the front of the building once the  waterproofing is complete. Bricks can be  purchased for $150 with 3 lines of up to 20  characters (spaces and punctuation included)  each of custom text. Click here for the online ordering form.
Walk Run Organizers Needed
We're looking for people interested in helping to organize this year's 25th Annual Hunger Walk Run. If you'd like to represent your church, company, or organization at our planning meetings (two 1-hour meetings to be held between now and the Walk) please contact Steve Tindall at x. 105 or by email.
                                                                                                                                              Click to Donate
Our Contact Information
Lutheran Community Services
2809 Baynard Blvd.
Wilmington, DE 19802

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