Thursday, January 31, 2013

Volunteer Appreciation - Mardi Gras!

It is hard to believe that tomorrow it will be one year since I started working here at LCS. But it has been, and boy did it go by fast! So much has happened, I have met so many wonderful people and lots of positive things have taken place. Wow!

I am so not athletic! But I love to hand out awards!!
My first public appearance was the Annual Volunteer Appreciation event called "Mardi Gras!" only three weeks after I began which gave me a chance to say "Hi" to everyone.  I have enjoyed so much getting to know you and learning how you fit into life here at LCS. Every job no matter how big or small is critical to keep this organization moving and healthy. I also see new volunteers coming in our doors every week. Without them, we could not continue to do the work we do.

So I would like to extend an invitation to all of our volunteers, new or established, active or inactive... to please come out for our Annual Volunteer Appreciation Event - Mardi Gras!

   Join us for Cajun snacks, sweets, coffee and tea.
   Entertainment by Joe Cilento Group

   Sunday February 24, 2013
2:00 p.m.
Westminster Presbyterian Church
13th and Rodney Street., Wilmington

Bring a Friend! And Please R.S.V.P.
302.654.8886, ext 100
or send an email
We have directions if you need them. (This is across the street from our main office.) Parking is at the Westminster Park Lot. Enter the Blue Doors on 13th Street.

I hope to see you there. I would love to catch up with as many of you as possible. This event is for YOU! It's a free event, and no we are no asking for donations or money. This is just a gathering and celebration for our volunteers to show all of you how much we appreciate everything you do for us!

Cher Frampton

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ending Hunger Conference By The Delaware Anti-Hunger Coalition

I plan on attending, as do a few other staff from LCS. Any other volunteers from LCS interested in going? It is reasonably priced and close by. Sounds like a great day! Let us know if you plan on going by emailing me at  Register early, space is very limited!


Also check out the Food Bank of Delaware Blog on an article they wrote about us after their visit with us this month..."Giving Back and Paying it Forward."

Monday, January 14, 2013

News You Can Use - 2012 Annual Report to Congregations

2012 Annual Report to Congregations

ast year, the Lutheran Community Services (LCS) Emergency Food Program served more people than ever before – substantially more. In 2011, our food program served 69,369. In 2012, our food program served 86,750.  That’s an increase in food clients of 25 percent during 2012. Looking at the figures for all services combined, LCS served a total of 83,812 during 2011. During 2012, the total number served zoomed up to 102,715, and for the first time ever, LCS served over 100,000 people. That is an increase of 18,903 or 23 percent in 2012. This growth is part of a long upward trend. The table below illustrates how demand has grown at our three stationery pantries (Hope, St. Stephens and Zion) in the last 15 years. Keep in mind that these figures represent only 3 of our 13 separate food distribution sites.

Individuals Served at Hope, St. Stephens and Zion LCS Food Pantries (1998-2012)

In addition to meeting the burgeoning demand in a quantitative sense, LCS is also committed to improving the quality of service, in all three core areas – food, housing, and more. In the food area, we concentrated on nutrition, handing out thousands of printed inserts dealing with nutrition on a budget in 2012.  We have also held well-attended nutritional seminars which is something that will continue in 2013. Also in 2013, we expect to continue our review of “client choice” options so that people have a role in what foods they receive. In the housing area, we streamlined our procedures dramatically so that while we helped about the same number of people in 2012 as the year before, we interviewed substantially fewer, which saved time and effort for other tasks.  We also enhanced our housing follow up activities so that each client receives four follow-up contacts to assure that they are staying housed. Our emphasis on financial literacy continued in 2012 with a goal of helping people prepare to deal with future financial emergencies without jeopardizing their homes.