Friday, October 5, 2012

Thank You! Another Great Hunger Walk Run

Seems like a simple enough venture. Folks gather to walk or run in the name of a charity. Just show up at a park and GO! In a perfect world that would be great, but it takes a lot of work to put together a 5k Walk Run. And it takes a lot of people willing to make it happen too!

Staff, volunteers and sponsors need to gather their wits, skills, muscles and funds together in one place with one united cause. And on a beautiful morning on September 15, 2012 for the 21st time, the good people of Lutheran Community Services did just that!

Tables, signs, name tags, coffee, bagels, t-shirts, registration forms, smiling faces and excited participants lined up for registration and to listen to some music while nibbling on the goodies and other refreshments brought in. An organized chaos of love and goodwill, all in the name to fight hunger in Delaware.

Before you knew it Master of Ceremonies and Development Director Steve Tindall "directed" everyone to the start line to get things going. Wilmington Police officers on their motorcycles at the front ready, runners first in line at the start line, followed by walkers in the rear. Steve gives a practice start on the horn. Then Phil Keller gives the official countdown 1...2...3.....GO!

 Within 20 minutes participants were crossing the finish line! We are always very proud of our youth who come out to participate and the Youth Run Against Hunger is always a highlight for those 18 and under. Thirty boys and girls ran the 5k course. Boys medals went to Brian Colter (20:54), Nathan Galoway (22:20), and David Lu (23:05). Girls medals went to Madelyn Galbus, (who at the age of eight finished with a time of 25:10!), Emma Griffith (27:34), and Danielle Bye (30:24).

Winners in the fundraising categories are as follows: Jan Hufnal from Grace Lutheran Church with $4,395. The top youth fundraiser, also from Grace, was Daniel Luettgen, with $2,285. As a result, Grace raised a total of $9,435 and took home the trophy for the greatest amount raised. the trophy for the largest turnout went to St. Marks for a total of 43 in attendance. The church with the largest percentage of its congregation participating was Faith which brought 8.9% of it's confirmed members (20 people.)

To all of the others walkers and runners, who showed up with either sponsorships or food that day, we are ever so grateful for your participation and hard work.

We would like to thank the walk committee for all of their years of commitment to this event. All of the volunteers who came out so early in the morning to help set up and run the event. And to all of the staff who came out to help run everything so smoothly.

And of course we could not have this event without our sponsors. Thank you to our Major Sponsors: Lange Construction, WSFS, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Shone Lumber, Strano & Feeley Family Funeral Home, PNC Bank, NEIL, Pinkey, Harris & Weidinger LLC, CITI Bank.

Thank you to our other Supporters and Contributers; AdHelp,, Brandywine Pediatrics, Caffe Gelato, Catherine Rooney’s Restaurant, D&B Properties, Eeffocs, Giant Food, Grand Opera House, InstaSigns Plus, Jean and Rob Krapf, Longwood Gardens, Manhatten Bagels (Concord Pike) McCrery & Harra Funeral Home, Mercantile Press, Pump & Corrosion, Rommel Harley-Davidson, Sir Speedy (Wilmington) Starbucks (Marsh & Silverside) Theater N, The 42 Group, Two Stones Pub, Vital Signs & Grapics.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! We could not do it without all of you!

Together this year we raised about $37,000!

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