Your Church Newsletter
Editors: This information is prepared for church
newsletter editors, secretaries and pastors. Your help in getting the word out
is appreciated and will help LCS achieve its mission of “Sharing God’s
blessings by helping others in need.” Comments about timing or content are
welcome. Contact Steve Tindall ( 302 654 8886.
Holiday Food Drive: LCS
is the proud recipient of many food drives throughout the year, but right now we
are asking people participate in our 2015
Holiday Food Drive which will stock our new “choice” pantry at our
headquarters at 2809 Baynard Boulevard. It’s virtually complete, and the empty
shelves are ready to be filled. There are two main ways you can participate.
First, by giving. We need all manner of nonperishables but especially
appreciate things like tuna, canned meats, peanut butter and cereal. Another
way to participate in a food drive is by having one yourself! It’s not for
everyone, but some of us have a special gift for organizing and collecting for
hungry people, especially during the holidays. We can help you get started. LCS
will begin collecting for its Holiday Food Drive on December 4. We are open
from 8 to 4. It’s best to call ahead. If you need to deliver at another time,
we can make an appointment.
Pantry Volunteers Wanted: Pantry
volunteers are needed at St. Stephen’s Pantry and the new “choice” pantry noted
above. Call Cher Frampton at 302 654 8886 x107.
Smokers Rejoice: Kathy
Swanson who manages the LCS Smoking Cessation Program collects testimonials
from the people we have helped with free pharmaceutical aids. Take just one
example, Melissa: “I haven’t had a cigarette since August 6,
and I thank LCS and the Quit Line for my success…I feel so much better now. My
house is clean. Food tastes different and everything smells better.” What a
great way to enjoy the holidays!
Rental Assistance: Sabrina
came to us after her son was born. She
had to take some time off work, but did not get paid for it. Trying to catch up
on the bills was a challenge, and she fell behind in her rent. Then she heard
about LCS. To make a long story short, Sabrina was able to leave LCS with not
only rental assistance but also coats for her newborn and kindergartener and
toys for both that she can wrap up for Christmas. Next week, Sabrina will
be starting a better paying job, and is thankful for all her gifts.
The coats were provided by St. Marks and Grace of God Lutheran Churches.
The toys were provided by Jane Ramsey and David Amos. And the financial assistance
was provided by you – our wonderful donors.
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