We currently have the following volunteering opportunities at LCS...
Volunteer Mentors: We are looking for experienced mature volunteers who are interested in mentoring younger or special needs individuals who need one on one coaching at our St. Stephen's pantry on Broom Street in Wilmington. We try to give everyone the opportunity to volunteer despite age or ability and we are currently in need of some extra help to work with these special individuals. This is an special job that requires a person with patience, maturity, who is open to diversity in the work place and willing to give individualized attention to one of our volunteers to help them grow and develop in the work place. Up to the challenge? Than this is the position for you!
3 Openings.
Publisher: Position Filled! We have been working on a new Policy and Procedure Manual and from that wish to design and publish a Volunteer Handbook. We have the contents, but we need someone willing to do the publishing. Some knowledge in graphic design would be useful but not mandatory. If you are the creative type and wish to put your mark on our new and first ever Volunteer Handbook, give us a call, we are ready to start working on it and would love to have something ready before the year is out!
1 Opening.
Walk/Run Community Outreach Coordinators: These individuals will be responsible for going out into their community and educating the public about LCS, it's mission, hunger in Delaware and
why we have the Walk/Run and getting people excited about becoming involved with it. We have materials for this and it is an easy sell. We will be looking for a representative in each town. (Hockessin, Newark, Pikecreek, Brandywine, Newport/Stanton, Greenville, Claymont, New Castle, etc.) If we get more than one request from a town, we can team individuals up. There are no rules on how you spread the word or get individuals on board. We expect there is a great deal of creativity out there and will let that seed itself. Community Outreach Coordinators will be mentioned on the day of the walk.
Openings - How many towns are there?
Pantry Workers - St. Stephen's - We are in need of some good reliable pantry volunteers at St. Stephen's pantry on Broom Street in Wilmington. Duties include stocking shelves, packing bags, taking client referrals and getting their grocery orders to them, opening and closing the pantry, receiving food deliveries, keeping in good communications with the pantry coordinator and the volunteer coordinator.
Pantry is open from Monday to Friday from 9am to 12pm. We are especially in need of people on Thursday and Fridays. But we take people any days.
10 Openings.
You can work 1 day a month, 1 day a week, all week, 2 days a week...it's entirely up to you. All we ask is that you are reliable and show up when you are scheduled unless there are circumstances beyond your control. The work at St. Stephen's is vital to the community feeding over 25,000 people a year and the volunteer staff is critical to keep the day to day operations running.
If you are unable to work the 9 to 12 shift we are also in need of after hour stockers who can work with some special need populations. The shift is from 12 to 2 or until you are finished (which is often before 2pm)
4 Openings
Pantry Workers - Zion Lutheran Church - Our pantry in Zion Lutheran Church on Lancaster Ave in Wilmington is also in search of similar workers for their pantry. Their hours of operation vary slightly. They are open from 9am till 11:30am on Tues, Wed and Thurs.
If you would like to work at this location, please let us know, they are also in need!
5 Openings.
If any of these positions are of interest to you contact the LCS Volunteer Coordinator, Cher Frampton at cframpton@lcsde.org or 302-654-8886 x 107.
We look forward to hearing from you!