Your Church Newsletter
Lutheran Community Services March 2014
Editors: This information is prepared for church
newsletter editors, secretaries and pastors. Your help in getting the word out
is appreciated and will help LCS achieve its mission of “Sharing God’s
blessings by helping others in need.” Comments about timing or content are
welcome. Contact Steve Tindall
( 302 654 8886.
Shelter Golf Tournament – May 16, 2014

FAITH Center Supports Clients
in Many Ways
Ms. Barbara A. came to our FAITH Center office with a broken
heart and spirit, and facing eviction. It was almost too much to bear. She had
been housed for the last eight months, but before that her life was a
nightmare: sleeping in shelters,
friends’ floors, and cars; washing up in gas stations, train or bus stations.
Then she fell behind in her rent due to reduced hours at work. With assistance
from two of our member churches, and our own funds, we helped Ms. A. with her
rent so she could stay housed – and also with referrals, prayer, and
Breakfast – May 7, 2014
Plans are underway for LCS’s 10th Annual Room at the Table
Free Fundraising Breakfast, which will be held this year on May 7, 2014 at the
DuPont Country Club. Money raised at this event is dedicated to LCS operating
expenses. Operating support is crucially important at this time – when we are
also embarking on a capital campaign for our new headquarters building.
Preparing for the Storm
Just as local grocery stores note a swell in customers prior
to a storm, so do the LCS pantries. Each low-income family
receives enough food for 3 days. St. Stephen’s pantry, our busiest,
serves 30-50 families a day, but on the day before a recent storm (2/12) we
served 83 families!
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