Lutheran Community Services November 2013
Editors: This information is prepared for church
newsletter editors, secretaries and pastors. Your help in getting the word out
is appreciated and will help LCS achieve its mission of “Sharing God’s
blessings by helping others in need.” Comments about timing or content are
welcome. Contact & Prepared by Steve Tindall
( 302 654 8886.
Run Results

We had a fantastic annual Hunger Walk Run on September 21 in
Rockford Park. Altogether, this year’s Hunger Walk Run raised
$46,172 – a little short of our $50,000
goal, but definitely an outstanding showing that ranks right up there with our
best years. This excellent result is due to a great deal of enthusiasm from the
participants, the staff at LCS and the Walk Run Committee. If you are
interested in working on next year’s Hunger Walk Run, contact Steve Tindall at
654 8886 x105 or

Here are the winners.
The church that raised the most was Grace Lutheran ($11,565 – a new
record for a church), followed by St. Marks ($10,212 – more than double its
previous best), and Faith ($2,620).
church with the most participants was St. Marks (64), followed by Grace (31),
and St. Philips (29).
The church with
the highest percentage of its congregation participating was St. Marks (13.02%),
followed by Zion (9.62%) and St. Philips (9.21%).
Individual fundraisers broke records! The Adult winner was Jan Hufnal from Grace who raised $4,500,
a record for an adult. Then Daniel Luettgen,
a youth from Grace, raised $2,263, a record for a youth! This year’s success is
attributed to several things. First, the enthusiasm of the fundraisers – the
people who went out and got sponsorships for their participation. Second, we believe
that much of the success stems from the ease of online registration and
fundraising. Lots of people used it this year and from all reports they enjoyed
its simplicity and accuracy.
Thrivent was once again the lead sponsor, committing $6400
to the total raised, which was a wonderful donation. They also offered to match
each item brought to the LCS Food Drive at the Walk Run, which totaled an
additional $350. Thank you Thrivent Financial.
All of the funds
raised by the Hunger Walk Run will go toward LCS’s Emergency Food Programs. We
assemble our food budget from many different sources. What we raise from the
Walk Run is the single largest source of funds for the food programs. Without
it, we would have a great deal of trouble meeting the strong demand for
emergency food help from people in need in our community.
From the Desk of Cher Frampton - Volunteer Coordinator LCS

We can never emphasize enough the importance of our volunteers and how much they mean to our organization. In fact, we would not have an organization without them. They are our most valuable asset, and without them we could not operate any of our many operations at all of the various locations that graciously host us.
We also need our contributors and sponsors, for we also need substance (money & goods) to purchase the food that we give out to our clients every day. Without them, we also would not exist. Which is what makes an event like the LCS Walk/Run so special.
It's one of the few times where we have volunteers, contributors, clients, sponsors, staff, churches...everyone, joining together and making one event run smoothly, ensuring everyone is having a good time and that everything is taken care of. It shows what kind of a community we are and what kind of moral character we are all made of. How proud we all should be!
We would like to thank the following who participated that day in helping to set up and run the event and clean up. IF I MISSED A NAME, please let me know! These kind of events have a way of getting helpers in through all kinds of means official and otherwise. So, please, let me know so I can add you to the list! :)
Olive Barton
Jeff Batt
Brenda Bayard
Mark Cilento
Courtney Colier-Beyer
Joe Duker
Larry Friday
Mike Goyda
Nancy Goyda
Mark Gunderson
Donna Harris
George Hood
Mark Hopkins
Karrah Johnston
Josh Kelly
Leonard Kojro
Chuck Landry
Linda Lange
Bill Lindsey
Richard Porto
Jon Roth
Kyle Schuldt
Tamara Siburg
Roy Sullivan
Harry Walker
Conrad Warren
Sam Weedor
Gene Yanek
Gene Zaiser
Nancy Zinnato
We would also like to thank our Major Sponsors:
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans WSFS Bank NEIL Shone Lumber PNC Bank
Also our other supporters and contributors:
Brew Ha Ha Cafee Gelato Cann Printing Catherine Rooney's Delaware Children's Museum
Giant Foods Grand Opera House Greek Delight Restaurant InstaSigns Plus Lange Construction
Mercantile Press Merrily Schiavone Pump & Corrosion Sir Speedy Union Street Threatre N
Two Stones Pub Vital Signs & Graphics Walgreens Naaman's Road Winterthur
Without help from across the community from everyone we could not do all that we do, and reach the many families in Delaware that struggle with hunger every day. Our theme this year is "Together We Can" and our Walk/Run is a shinning example of how we do just that.
Photographs by Bill Lindsey and Jeff Batt
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