Tuesday, April 17, 2012

News You Can Use

News You Can Use
For Your Church Newsletter
From Lutheran Community Services & the LCS FAITH Center May 2012

Editors: This information is prepared for church newsletter editors, secretaries and pastors. Your help in getting the word out is appreciated and will help LCS achieve its mission of “Sharing God’s blessings by helping others in need.” Comments about timing or content are welcome. Contact Steve Tindall (stindall@lcsde.org). 302 654 8886.

LCS FAITH Center Delivers

We received a warm letter from a recent FAITH Center client that goes a long way toward explaining the unique role that the FAITH Center plays for its clients. The letter begins:  “I was at my lowest point on April 4, 2012, but little did I know that on that same day I would receive monetary and nonmonetary deliverance through the FAITH Center.” Dorothy’s story is almost like a composite of our clients…a traumatic upbringing, job downsizing, unemployment, constant badgering from bill collectors…. Also like many of our clients she was confused about her appointment, showed up on the wrong day but returned on the right one. Dorothy calls that meeting a “turning point in my life,” and a “divine appointment” that went well beyond her need for utilities. She had nothing but positive things to say about the LCS FAITH Center employees. Her letter was peppered with praise about their welcoming caring attitude, compassion, and empathy. To conclude, Dorothy got financial help with her utilities, and much more.

www.lcsde.org – Take a Look!

LCS recently revamped its website in an effort to make it more accessible, pleasing, consistent and helpful to clients, volunteers, donors and anyone else interested in our ministry. We invite you to take a look! In some ways our website is still evolving – a work in progress. Right now we are using Pay Pal for online donations, but we will be replacing that with a new program – qgiv – which will suit our needs better. The Walk Run represents another area of change. In just a few weeks, we expect to have an online form that will replace the current registration process where people can download and print an application form which has to be delivered by fax, mail, or email. Continuous improvement is our goal.  We hope you enjoy a visit to www.lcsde.org.

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