Friday, August 15, 2014

News You Can Use - September 2014

For Your Church Newsletter  - Prepared by: Steve Tindall
From Lutheran Community Services      September 2014

Editors: This information is prepared for church newsletter editors, secretaries and pastors. Your help in getting the word out is appreciated and will help LCS achieve its mission of “Sharing God’s blessings by helping others in need.” Comments about timing or content are welcome. Contact Steve Tindall ( 302 654 8886.

No, the Annual Hunger Walk Run has not “gone to the dogs,” but we are making accommodations this year so that owners can register their dogs for the first time. This should prove to add some entertainment to the event and at the same offer dog owners an opportunity to raise more money in sponsorships, because sponsorships for the dog are attributed to the human owner that registered it. The best way to register is to do it online at our website:  Make sure that when you are registering you click the box that indicates the registration is for a “Canine.” This year’s Walk Run will be held at Rockford Park on Saturday September 20, 2014.  Registration starts at 8:00 for the 9:00 start.

Capital Campaign for New Building

LCS’s home of 30-plus years on Rodney Street has been sold, and LCS is going to be moving across town to a new location at 2809 Baynard Boulevard. The building we have acquired, with financing through the Lutheran Church Extension Fund, is two stories high, built of brick, with a total of 6,000 square feet. Renovations are set to start in September and should be finished by March. Until then, we will continue to be located at 1304 Rodney Street. Benefits of the new building are many, and they should take LCS to new levels of service and commitment to the community.

New advantages include a “choice” pantry, where people needing food can have a role in deciding what they get. We also plan to construct a community garden to create a seasonal source of fresh produce for our low income clients. Additional space will be devoted to client interview rooms where they can discuss their needs in private, and to a volunteer center to help manage the many volunteers that support us. To make this all happen, LCS has recruited a Capital Campaign Committee composed of 17 talented community leaders. The committee meets monthly and has been charting strategies to raise the $1.6 million needed to complete this project. While we are in the quiet phase of the campaign now, concentrating on leadership donors, a broader community-based campaign will begin in early 2015.

Register Today! LCS 23rd Annual Hunger Walk Run...